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Get To Know Tiling Patterns And Spark Your Creative Juices

Get to know tiling patterns and spark your creative juices.

Whether you’re designing your new home, renovating your bathroom or have time to finally modernise the splashback in your kitchen, the below tiling patterns style basics and tips will be sure to spark endless creative possibilities.

Straight Set/Stacked

The most common tiling pattern where tiles are laid straight and the corners matched. Grouting is then applied after to then form a grid look. Stacked pattern is one of the easiest patterns to install which is great for a DIY project.


Offset or better known as the ‘Brick’ pattern occurs where the first row of tiles is laid straight with the second row ‘offset’ by half a tile width.


If you’re looking to add a bit more interest than the straight or offset pattern, the diagonal may be a good fit; Tiles are laid on a 45-degree angle, this style is also relatively easy to install. As the tiles are laid on angles it creates the illusion of a bigger and wider room which is great if creating maximum space is your design purpose.


Rectangle tiles are used to produce a weave-like tile pattern. A rectangle tile is firstly laid horizontally with the following tile laid vertically at 90 degrees then back to horizontal and repeat. It is recommended to use this particular pattern in smaller rooms as it can be overwhelming in larger spaces.


As the name suggests, the outer look of the pattern resembles a rectangle going around in circles just like a windmill would motion. In addition, a single square tile is laid in the centre of the pattern to complete the look. Having a single small tile laid in the centre allows for more creativity and can create a point of interest to the tiled layout.


An arrowed design pattern where one end of the arrow meets with the other end of an arrow along a straight axis. This design pattern can be used to create interest to a backsplash for either a kitchen or bathroom.


For the more skilled renovators, tilers this design is similar to the Chevron however the rectangle tiles are laid in a V shape altering at 45 degree angles so that they appear parallel to each other. The pattern also resembles a zig zag pattern.

Other Tips:

  • Have a play with two contrasting pattern styles to create an interesting look and feel to the room
  • Highlight zones in certain rooms by using different coloured or textured pattern tiles
  • Through the tile selection purpose, don’t forget to choose a grouting colour that will complement the colour or pattern being chosen.
  • Consult with the retail sales assistant or interior experts for their professional opinion on colours, patterns and whether the tile texture or colour will suit the tiling pattern you have envisioned.