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Roasted Beetroot and Feta Salad


  • 2 large beetroot (approximately 350g) peeled and chopped into cubes
  • 200g feta, crumbled
  • 120g bag of mixed salad leaves
  • 100g walnuts
  • 30g brown sugar
  • Splash of olive oil 2(-3 tsp)
  • S+P

Serves 4 as a side


Step 1.
Preheat oven to 180° on bake

Step 2.
Add a splash of olive oil, followed by all the beetroot cubes to a baking tray, season well and bake for 45 minutes (approx) until beetroot is cooked through and lightly roasted.

Step 3.
Meanwhile, wash the walnuts and place in a mixing bowl, add the brown sugar and mix well, until the walnuts have an even coating of brown sugar.

Step 4.
Lay the walnuts out evenly on a second baking tray, which is covered by a baking sheet (helps with the clean up!) bake for 40 minutes (approx) until the sugar has started to caramelize around the walnuts.

Step 5.
Remove both baking trays from the oven and allow the walnuts and beetroot to cool.

Step 6.
Wash the salad leaves well, and add them to a large mixing bowl, followed by the feta and the now cool beetroot and walnuts. Mix well, before transferring to a serving bowl.

Recipe by Fisher & Paykel

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