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New Energy Rating Labels for Fridges & Freezers

Effective from August 15th 2021, fridges and freezers sold in the Australian market will have a new energy rating label system applied to them. These new ratings will be calculated against international testing standards as opposed to Australian standards to comply with new MEPS requirements. This article will provide a breakdown of what this means … Continued

Climate Control For Every Home

Your home climate control is in your hands. And so too is your climate footprint. While the world can’t be saved in one day, if we all did our part, together we would be leaving behind a better place for the next generation. Stay comfortable at home and control your home climate without excessively increasing … Continued

Tips To Reduce Your Water Use

If you drink water straight from the kitchen tap, freely wash your hands when you need to and can have a shower or a bath daily, then consider yourself lucky! Water is an essential part of a healthy life and unfortunately, for so many people in developing countries, water is a scarce resource. UN Water … Continued

Shop Energy Efficient Appliances

Energy efficiency around the home is vital when the climate change crisis is one that stands to change humanity. A lot of appliance products and electronics in the home use a lot of energy, even when they’re on standby. To help cut down on your power usage and energy bills, energy efficiency labels and ratings … Continued