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We’re here to help you!

We generally go through a variety of different stages and thought processes before finally making a purchase. According to the recent ACA Industry Report, researching online is the most useful channel when making a purchasing decision for home entertainment/electronics, large kitchen laundry appliances, and small electrical appliances.

At NPR, we make your life easier by providing a range of different information, to make your purchasing decision easier. From consumer reviews to how-to articles and buying guides, we are your one-stop platform for appliance and electrical product information.

1) Get Inspired

This is where you, the consumer, picks up ideas and inspirations for your considered purchase. We have a wide range of inspirational and helpful articles and recipes, as well as in-depth buying guides to help you gain insights and get the most out of your new product purchase. Explore tasty recipes and handy ‘how to’ articles here.

2) Explore Reviews

More than 25% of consumers use reviews as a research tool when in the market for a new product. On NPR you’ll find thousands of customer reviews across a range of product categories to help make your decision easier. And if you’ve recently bought an appliance we also want to hear from you! Leave your review, or ask us a question, our team of experts are here to help!

3) Compare Products

If you’re still tossing up between a few different product options, this is where our handy compare feature can help you! Simply add two to four products to the compare basket, by clicking “Compare” underneath each product listing.

4) Find Retailers & Buy Now!

With over 700 stores and 31 retailers Australia wide, once you’ve selected which product to purchase, just click to buy from your favourite retailer, simple as that! View our retailers.

*Reference: ACA 2017 Industry Report, Path To Purchase

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