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Caramel Coconut Bananas


  • 2 tbsp palm sugar or soft light brown sugar
  • 2 bananas, peeled, halved lengthways, then each chunk halved again
  • 150ml coconut milk
  • ice cream and toasted, shredded coconut, or sesame seeds to serve

Cooking Level: Super Easy
Cooking Time: 15 mins
Serves: 2

Step 1.
Heat the sugar in a small frying pan on your BBQ.

Step 2.
When melted, add the bananas and caramelise on each side for 3-4 mins. Lift out and set aside.

Step 3.
Tip the coconut milk into the pan stir into the sugar and bubble until syrupy. Divide between 2 bowls, top with the caramelised bananas, then add a scoop of ice cream and scatter with toasted coconut or sesame seeds.

Recipe by Beefeater