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Beef ‘n’ Bean Nachos With All The Toppings


  • 300g veal mince
  • 300g beef mince
  • 2 small avocados
  • 8 tbsp grated cheese
  • 1 tsp paprika
  • 1 tsp cumin
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 2 shallots
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • 2 tsp lime juice
  • 400g tin kidney beans
  • 400g tin cherry tomatoes or crushed tomatoes
  • 1 fresh jalapeno
  • 1 tbsp tomato paste
  • 4 tbsp sour cream
  • 8 tortillas or 1 bag corn chips
  • 1 tsp garlic powder
  • 1 tsp smoky paprika

Serves 4


Step 1.
Remove the seeds from the avocados. Place the flesh into a bowl with lime juice, salt and pepper. Mash with a fork.

Step 2.
Finely chop the shallots and the garlic

Step 3.
Place half the olive oil in a medium fry pan, heat to a medium heat. Add the shallots and garlic, cook for 2-3 minutes until they soften. Add the mince, sprinkle with salt and pepper. Use the back of a wooden spoon to break the mince continuously. Cook until golden brown.

Step 4.
Sprinkle mince with cumin and paprika and stir through the meat in fry pan. Add the tomato paste, 100ml of water and bring meat to a simmer.

Step 5.
Add the tinned tomatoes and kidney beans, stir to combine then simmer for 10-12 minutes.

Step 6.
While the beans are simmering, turn the oven to 180°C fan forced. Line 3 baking trays with paper. Spray the tortillas with oil and sprinkle with garlic powder and paprika. Using kitchen scissors cut each tortilla into 10 pieces and arrange on baking trays.

Step 7.
Bake for 6-8 minutes until golden.

Step 8.
Finely slice the jalapeno.

Step 9.
Divide the tortilla chips or corn chips amongst 4 plates, top with ¼ the meat mixture and ¼ of the cheese. Microwave for 45-60 seconds (or until the cheese melts).

Step 10.
Top with a dollop of sour cream, guacamole, a spoon of beans and a pinch of sliced jalapenos (if desired).

Kids in the kitchen can:

• Measure the ingredients
• Mash the avocado
• Combine the salsa ingredients
• Prepare the tortillas
• Assemble the plates
• Older kids (10+) may also slice the shallots and garlic

Recipe by Westinghouse

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